The Interview - Do's


  • Relax.
  • Arrive 10 minutes early. Late attendance is never excusable. If you are running late, call them, apologise and ask if it will still be convenient for them to see you, offer to come back later if not.
  • Clarify questions. Be sure you answer the question which was asked.
  • Get the interviewer to describe the position and responsibilities early in the conversation so you can relate your skills and background to the position throughout the interview.
  • Give your qualifications. Stress the accomplishments that are most relevant to the job.
  • Conduct yourself professionally. Be aware of what your body language is saying. Smile, make eye contact, maintain your composure and don’t slouch.
  • Anticipate tough questions. Prepare in advance so you can turn apparent weaknesses into strengths.
  • Dress appropriately. Make your first impression a professional one.
  • Ask questions throughout the interview. An interview should be a mutual exchange of information, not a one-sided conversation.
  • Do not bring: big bags, plastic bags, bottles of water, crash helmets etc. to the interview; and do not chew gum!
  • Listen. This is probably the most important ability of all. By concentrating not only on the employer’s words, but also on the tone of voice and body language, you will be able to pick up on the employer’s style. Once you understand what they are looking for you can tailor your answers accordingly. Connect and relate.
  • Motivate yourself, be positive and energetic.Be polite, stand up when you are introduced to someone.
  • Sit up straight, don’t lounge around, but do try to relax .
  • Talk face to face and maintain eye contact throughout the interview.
  • Sort out your hands – practice what you are going to do with them.
  • Try to talk to the receptionist or secretary if at all possible – their opinions are often asked.
  • Remember you are being interviewed as soon as you walk in the door – in the reception, loo, on the stairs, everywhere.
  • Be enthusiastic; speak up so the interviewer can hear your replies to their questions. Before leaping in with an answer, consider it for a moment before replying – do not rush
  • Try to find out as much as much as possible about the job – where you will fit in etc.